Wednesday, January 31, 2007

3 Things you don't know about me

I apologize for being such a late blogger. Thank you Kim for giving me my late assignments. For those of you who don't know about our weekly posts, I have a group of friends that blog and each week someone thinks of a different topic to blog about. One of the topics that I haven't gotten around to are 3 things you don't know about me, so here ya go.

#1 My full name is Stacy Catherine Bentancourt. I used to hate my first name because in school people would tease me and say that I spell my name like a boy. I even had a teacher in elementary ask me why my parents spelled my name like a boy? I was so devastated.

#2 I can't ski. Although I have gone with my friends on ski trips but I can't ski. It is not that I don't want to but I had knee surgery on my right knee and I never completed all of my rehab (because it hurt) and so now I can't bend my right let past a 90 degree angle due to so much scar tissue. I also got nerve damage on my right leg from the surgery so I loose feeling in my leg from the knee down every once in a while. So therefore I haven't actually been on the slopes because I have been afraid of falling and hurting my leg even more.

#3 I also can't jump into a swimming pool without holding my nose. Kim and I have this one in common and it makes me laugh because we both had pools in our backyard growing up so you would think that we would be expert swimmers. (Thanks Kim for letting me reuse this one).


Anonymous said...

Who says StacY is the boy spelling? I bet you couldbeat up any boy named StacY anyways!

I can't ski either. I've never tried but I am SO NOT athletic, I'd be too afraid I'd hurt myself. Maybe it's that old dog. . . new tricks thing that's in my way.

Anonymous said...

Love your middle name and I have seen a million girls named Stacy with a Y. Okay, maybe not a million but a whole lot. Sorry about your knee...that was making me hurt as I read it.

Kim said...

who is that???????

next time we're together well explore the whole nose/swimming issue, maybe someone has some advise for us!!!

That's not a very politically correct teacher you had there...shame shame!!

Ever thought about knee surgery???

I learned soooo much about you Thanks!!